ALVA, the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions in the UK, published its annual visitor statistics this week and the great news is that numbers are up, with a 19% increase from the year before. This is great news for the sector and the messaging, inspiration and cultural preservation it represents.
Here at AY-PE we are thrilled that our audio-visual experiences currently feature in two of the top ten attractions: British Museum (no. 1) and the Science Museum (no. 8).
In fact... (and let’s get a bit statistically geeky here, which is a strange feeling for this design studio…) the statistics indicate that at least 18 million visitors are viewing our work each year.
EIGHTEEN MILLION, that’s pretty much the population of the Netherlands!
With ten attractions based in and around London / South East area, as well as other major tourist attractions such as Edinburgh Castle (no. 14), two of Liverpool Museum Group (no's. 51 & 52), two of Historic Royal Palaces (no. 58: Hampton Court & no. 91: Kensington) hosting our work, plus many more all around the UK, we feel honoured to help these museums and brands engage not just local, but international minds in their messaging.
It’s fair to say our goal of making inspirational digital experiences and emotive AV moments, must be working well for a global audience - and that stems from something that has always been part of our values. Creating accessible AV to as many as possible and giving them the ideas, thoughts and feelings which we know great films, sound and interactive media design can. Giving respect to the time people take in visiting these experiences, by creating the highest quality, thoughtful digital media which we can.
We want to take this moment to thank all the people who make all these visitor experiences happen - the attractions teams and their many contracted teams. We know how hard and long everyone works to bring heritage, science, sports, history, community and the myriad of other visitor experiences to life. Fingers crossed the next year sees visitor numbers smash through the pre-Covid levels and we see even more amazing cultural experiences come to life.
Reach out to discuss how our AV digital artistry can help achieve your vision, messages and goals: